André Murraças (Portugal)


World premiere of André Murraças' new solo! All theatres have ghosts. The Teatro São Luiz is no exception and has two specters. Irma and Emma Gramatica...  

SÃO LUIZ TEATRO MUNICIPAL - Sala Luis Miguel Cintra (Palco)
12, 13 and 14 May at 7pm and 10.30pm (Friday, Saturday and Sunday)
World Premiere

Direction, scenography, text and performer: André Murraças Production: Um Marido Ideal Co-production: FIMFA Lx - Festival Internacional de Marionetas e Formas Animadas / A Tarumba Support: Teatro Nacional de São Carlos, Teatro Praga, Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência Acknowledgements: Duarte Pereira Gomes, Cristina Correia, Bruno Reis, Cândida Murraças, Cristiana Couceiro Technique: Object theatre and magic Language: Portuguese For audiences over: +12 Running time: 30 min. approx.

It's a well-known fact that all the theatres have ghosts. The Teatro São Luiz is no exception and has its two own specters, Irma and Emma Gramatica. These two Italian sisters were actresses, and debuted at Teatro São Luiz in 1927, and after that they haunted the place for years.
In this show, which is also a Spiritism session, we will invoke them, tell their story through their belongings and, hopefully, give them some rest at last.

André Murraças was born in 1976. BA in Stage Design by Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema, Lisboa. MA with Distinction in Scenography from the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, in Utrecht, The Netherlands.
He was director, playwrighter, set designer and solo interpreter of the following shows: Santos e PecadoresTeatro NoirSex Zombie – a vida de Verónica LakeUm PasseioHollywoodOne Night Only – uma rádio-conferênciaUm Marido IdealPour HommeSwingersAs Peças Amorosas e As Palavras São o Meu Negócio. He also wrote the plays – OrlandoouveCândida – uma história portuguesaTodas as noites a mesma noiteFilm NoirOs InconvenientesCinemaScope and O Espelho do Narciso Gordo  He worked as a copywriter and screenwriter for television.